Index of Stage 1 Videos

Click on an image to view the video.
Separate Pronuclei


Adjacent Pronuclei


Fusing Pronuclei


The above videos are courtesy of Dr. A. Henry Sathananthan (Sathananthan, 2005). For additional images and videos visit his web site;
Time-lapse Videos of In vitro Fertilization
Video 1: approx. 28hrs
Video 2: approx. 32 hrs
The above videos show the progress of in vitro fertilization from shortly after (< 30 mins) sperm injection, through stage 1 to the beginning of stage 2. These videos were generously provided by Dr. Dianna Payne and are taken from her work with Sean P. Flaherty and Colin D. Matthews at the Reproductive Medicine Unit of the University of Adelaide in Australia. Further information on this work is available here.
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