3D Models heading
animation 1

Animation 1

The attaching blastocyst is shown. The blastocyst has been opened to show the attachment site and the inner cell mass.

These 3D animations are made from the WinSurf reconstructions. To enable users to better study the reconstructions the original WinSurf files, together with a WinSurf Viewer, are available for downloading. The viewer allows users to open WinSurf data files and view reconstructions with all the display options of the full reconstruction program. Models can be rotated about all three orthogonal axes, users can zoom in and out when viewing models and models can be translated. Also, the color and opacity of different objects in the models can be varied.


Opening Screen

Winsurf 3D Embryo Morphology Animations

Amira 3D Embryo Animations

Flythrough Animations

Browse Sections

Download Winsurf Data Files and Viewer

animation 4