Hip Bone (Os coxa) - Bony Landmarks
ischial tuberosity
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Body of icshium Ischial spine Ischial tuberosity Pectineal Line Anterior superior iliac spine Superior pubic ramus Iliac crest Inferior pubic ramus Iliac fossa Greater sciatic notch Obturator foramen Anterior inferior iliac spine Body of pubis Lesser sciatic notch ARCUATE LINE Articular surface of ilium Ischial tuberosity Posterior superior iliac spine Iliac crest Gluteal surface Ischial spine Greater sciatic notch Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Lesser sciatic notch AIIS IPR IT PBo iliac crest gluteal surface Pubic tubercle acetabulum acetabular notch ischial spine greater sciatic notch PIIS PSIS ASIS Lesser SN IPR AIIS IT SPR GS IC ASIS acetabulum AN PT PBo AC PBo ASIS iliac fossa AIIS iliac crest iliac crest PL SPR IT AN IPR PT AL ASI SPR iliac crest IT IF ASI ASIS AIIS PT PL AL GSN IS ASI AIIS IT SPR body of ischium Pbo IPR LSN GSN PL AL ASIS IF IC OF